Sunday, May 6, 2007

Mission Accomplished!!

At last...the day has come....a sigh of relief! Mission accomplished!!! Today was Yani's graduation...she had finished her masters program in finance @ GGU (Golden Gate University). Bener finance kan ibuuu?? Duh...gimana seh...i should know..hehehe. Sorry kalo salah ibuuuu. =P We were all there...Pandu, Ariya, Anjeli, Tante Yuli, Tante Vivi, Gema, Ani, & I.
That's a very big accomplishment in life...So...watching yani walk across the stage...i held my tears. Tears of joy...yet tears of sadness. I'm very very happy for ibu (yani)...but then, I started thinking...when will I ever walk across that stage??? Recieving that diploma....let's not go to far as in least a bachelors...that's what made me sad...
I've dreamt of that day...but life has turned differently for hopefully...i will see that day....if not, I hope to see both of my daughters walk across that stage =) After we attended Yani's graduation...we were invited for lunch. A lot more people came for lunch...because, they couldn't attend the graduation...yani was only given 7 tickets. So, we ate @ Beijing Buffet. It is soooo good!
To ibu: Congratulations!!! I think I've said enough on that're 75% thru...I'll always be here rooting for you till you reach 100% ;-) (hope you know what i mean) GOOO IBUUU!!!!

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