Sunday, November 25, 2007

Steven's visit to SF..n making new friends!

Damn! work is gettin' hecka busyyyyy!!! Last friday, i didn't get off till 11.45pm...cuapeee boooo'!! When they hear sale @ macy's it seems like everyone's gone crazy...especially when they recieve their coupons in the mail. Anyway, we had a very nice visit from Steven. He came to SF from NY...stayed with us for the weekend...He flew into SF cuz he's taking a good friend of his around SF (baik sekali yaaahh). Temennya ituh...namanya Kak Ellen and Samantha...

So, I had made new friends! They are totally awesome...and we were in a food fiesta selama mereka disini (of course). When ever we have guest comin into SF...we don't show them just the city of SF...but of course the great FOOD!

As for thanksgiving, biasanya ada makan2 dirumah....bikin turkey dan segala macem gituh lah...but this year...we didn't do it. Banyak yg pergi keluar, we had just went to Uni Sari & Abang Jun's house...of course the food was muy bien!!
Anjeli...sibuk main PS 2...karna dia liat yg lain2 ikutan jg main game yg pake guitar ituh lhooo..i don't even know the name of the game..he he he...i had totally forgot to take her picture!

That's how our weekend of thanksgiving had went...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oom Ming's & Uncle Frank Blessing Prayer

Last Sunday (11.11.07) we were invited to Oom Ming & Tante Vivi's house for a blessing prayer for Oom Ming's recovery after his surgery back in April. Also,Uncle Frank that was caught in an accident during a 4th of July BBQ. My gosh, I can't believe the food Tante vivi prepared!!! There's Sate Padang , Soto Padang, Gulai Otak, Pare Balado Hijau, Goreng Ayam, Spaghetti, Empek2..anjrit...buanyak buangettttt nget..nget...makanannya! That's not including deserts...There were, Bubur Ketan Hitam, Bubur Sumsum, Kolak, Lupis..Es buah...i just can't name them all!! muantaaaaaappp!!

It was a very nice gathering...come to find was also, Uncle Frank & Tante Amrina's 25th Wedding Anniversary. Oom Ming & Uncle Frank...again, Alhamdulillah for the safe and quick recovery...And tante Amrina & Uncle Frank...May Allah bless you both many more years of marriage bliss, love, & happiness!

Cheerz!! =)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Miss Em''s been weeks..since i last done n e thing on my blog...but i was going thru my foto file in my notebook...& had opened files that i haven't opened in ages...just looking thru all the pictures makes me miss all of em'...

Who is it that meant?? All the indo friends I had made that had gone home to Jakarta for good....It's like one by one, every other year they go. Now, SF feels soooo sepiiiiii (empty). Ones i miss most are my roomates & best friend, Yani, Andrey, Da Ichsan, Bang Ej, Alvin, Gilda, Trisya....Steven..damn those days! From suka duka...seneng susah...were with them...

Either it'd be chillin' each others rooms sampe ketiduran...pulang ngantor bareng...starting usaha rantangan...celebrating those special moments...main xbox...n watchin all of em' gettin' drunk sembari main ck ck...those are some of the pix's that i had found...
Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker