Sunday, September 16, 2007

1st Tarawih @ Wisma & forgotten posts...oooppsss!

The outcome of the 1st tarawih and buka bersama @ wisma was quite good...but there were a lot of new faces. And of course, I didn't get to pray...since i didn't...i waited in their dining room with all the other mommy's that had to watch over their babies too. I was kinda bummed...had wished i was in main hall listening to the khotbah though....but one was crying and the other...jalan2 sini situ....ribetzzzzzzzzzzzz..i don't mean that in a bad's just that, bakal ngeganggu org yg ngasih ceramahnya...As for the food, well this is what I had for buka (yummmm-O!!): Jeffry was the one who had gotten my food...he had basically put everything that was served on my plate! I was busy with the kids feedin' them...when i saw what he gotten for me... jokingly i had said.."whoa had gotten me so much know, i'm not eatin for 2 anymore! hehehe...but i appreciated it. Tentu Yayah...... (that's how anjeli would say it =P )

As said in my post title...i had forgotten to post this... A couple of weeks ago...on Labor day weekend...we had taken the kids to the Children Playground in Golden Gate Park...and decided to have a mini picnic...cuz the weather was just really nice. So, we just bought a bucket of KFC and drinks from the asian market. Anjeli, lately, has been scared of naik everything but the slide...she wasn't like that before. Parisha is almost 7 this was her 1st time going on the baby swing...she seems to like it...but she makes these espression as if she's tickelish or something..hehehe...

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