Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Miss Em'

So...it's been weeks..since i last done n e thing on my blog...but i was going thru my foto file in my notebook...& had opened files that i haven't opened in ages...just looking thru all the pictures makes me miss all of em'...

Who is it that meant?? All the indo friends I had made that had gone home to Jakarta for good....It's like one by one, every other year they go. Now, SF feels soooo sepiiiiii (empty). Ones i miss most are my roomates & best friend, Yani, Andrey, Da Ichsan, Bang Ej, Alvin, Gilda, Trisya....Steven..damn those days! From suka duka...seneng susah...were with them...

Either it'd be chillin'..in each others rooms sampe ketiduran...pulang ngantor bareng...starting usaha rantangan...celebrating those special moments...main xbox...n watchin all of em' gettin' drunk sembari main kartu...ck ck ck...those days...here are some of the pix's that i had found...

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